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Lost Scrolls ZA
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So, in case you haven't seen the "Soul Surviviour Page 16 WIP" submission, I have recently started to increase content on the Endorsed Anarchy web site and one of the new inserts is the Work-in-Progress thing. Now, I never used to like showing work-in-progress. I was one of those artists who like to show you finished work. A friend of mine spoke to me and convinced me to start a WIP page so my followers can "grow" with me and see the phases and transitions of the pages and plus it gives me enough content to post up more regularly.

I decided to listen to him and, I have to admit, I think it was a good idea. I often start a new one without finishing an old one. It's always been my character to jump between things. I think this approach works in my favour and I can keep on with it, as long as I don't move on and not finish.

Here is the WIP page. Take a look through and see the works I am busy with.…
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Daggert: I've paid you a small fortune.
Bane: And this gives you power over me?

That, along with the following line, are the two things that stuck out the most and struck me, in terms of dialogue at The Dark Knight Rises:

"I take what I need from those who have more than enough. I don't stand on the shoulders of people with less."

Brace yourselves for this one – it's a long one.

Our society is one that condemns a person who steals R500 out of the cash register because they are starving and desperate but applauds a person who takes home R5 million in a year at the expense of firing hundreds of people…just to keep the markets happy. Hundreds of families are completely destitute – left out in the cold world of the unfavouring side of our socio-economic structure where the condemned are left to rot, be pittied and eventually sneered at for the things they do in that desperation. All this, and yet let one person come to that very same person, R5 million still green, hold them up at gun point and steal their wallet and phone…a manhunt will begin and we suddenly have a villain to hate.

Money has the strangest effect on us and it is the most unreal and esoteric concept made paper. It's just like "the market" – the newest of our gods who we will sacrifice people and cheat each other to please. The market, being our god, has turned every player in that game as a Caine or Able and this madness continues with us playing faithfully along as if it is "real" and "makes sense". It doesn't. The notes and coins you hold are a "promissory note from the government" that they will settle some debt that has been incurred (and was made up) somewhere in life, and will do so by means of a consideration that, ultimately, doesn't exist. Money is literally less dense and has far less matter than air. There isn't a single God-particle in it, when looking at reality, and yet it garnishes our utmost faith in it. How can a concept with no matter…matter so much?

For more, go to:…
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Black Diamond

2 min read
I fucking hate diamonds. I think they are the biggest con ever sold to us and we are stupid enough to buy into it and pay over three times our monthly salary to have them. What a bunch of dumbasses. One thing about a diamond, though: The measure of its worth will never truly be realised if it continues to stay underground. In order to see the measure of its worth, it needs to be brought to the market.

What I've come to notice, about South African politics, is that the current ANC is running the country under the masquerade of a democracy. The problem, you see, is that the model and mentality of a this current ANC is not democracy, but rather a Chieftainship.

With a Chieftainship, you have a Chief who makes all the decisions. There's no real democracy, in the strict sense of the word; what he says, goes. Now, before you get all ape shit and "That's not fair", you need to understand that Chiefs used to be bred to be noble. They're greatest, and probably only, interest was the well being and prosperity of their people. No decision was made unless it was in the best interest of their people. That's how the Chief did it, and those are the values he passed on to his sons who, one day, will become Chiefs themselves and so on the story continued....

Read the rest on:…
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That's all.
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Before I commence, let me make the mandatory disclaimer that what I am about to say in no way endorses, nor does it encourage, suicide nor does it recommend it or suggest it as an option. There is no point describing the horrors of such a thing as we all have a basic idea of the trauma and haunting involved with it. Anyone with suicide on their fingertips should seek IMMEDIATE medical attention and call someone who is qualified to help them. What I am about to describe is the mechanics of suicide in the mind of someone with a mental illness for which suicide is a medically known symptom – something like clinical depression

There are two fundamental misunderstanding, maybe misconceptions, regarding suicide. The two such misunderstandings are that someone who tries, contemplates or succeeds in committing suicide is:

• Being a coward; and/ or
• Being selfish

The suicidee is is considered a cowards because they took the easy way out. "We all have problems in our lives – you don't see us chickening out and killing ourselves." Suicide is seen as the cowardly act of a person who is not strong enough to take on life – it is seen as the highest form of weakness. If you are one of the people who think like this then allow me probe your believes and bring to your attention that human beings – like many other creatures – have a primary and inherent instinct called a "survival instinct".

The human mind has been said to operate with a primary function: Protection of the being. That is the bread and butter of the mind – to guard you; protect you; keep you from harm; preserve your life for as long as medically possible (barring a few indulgences that may hinder that). This can be seen in the simple acts of trying to drown oneself by holding your head under water; trying to bite yourself until you draw blood or suffocating yourself by holding your breath until you pass out and die. Doing all these things is damn near (but not completely) impossible. It is difficult to do - not easy - because, somehow, your mind overtakes your desire to do yourself harm in that manner and makes you lift your head out the water; release your jaw clenching or open one of the respiratory valves and draw breath. It is your mind's mission and function and if it fails, then it simply ceases to be. In a long way around, the mind is actually looking into its preservation as it is in the being.

What would drive a human being to a level where they would circumvent the most basic function of the human condition? This is something hard wired into us – it's etched into us so strong that we kind of just do it, even without thinking. Do you have any idea the amount of horror, pain and agony that would drive a human being to, not only desire to end their life, but to carry that act out as well? The amount of courage and strength it takes to override the basic function of "self preservation" by taking one's life - by slitting those wrists; kick that chair away with that rope around your neck; leap off of that cliff or out of that window or pull that trigger and swallow that bullet (fuck "biting" it) – has of a high magnitude that I fail to see how such an act can be considered "cowardice". Walk onto the top of a high building and look down; feel the rushing of your heart and the spreading of your fear; feel the terror in your system and THEN….imagine that there have been a MULTITUDE of people who were where you were, and still walked off saying "fuck it". NOW tell me that to commit suicide is a cowardice move.

The second belief is that suicide is a selfish act. Well, allow me to illuminate you of the mechanics of a mentally ill as I guide you briefly through the mind of a person tormented depression. Someone with depression (that is untreated) experiences a MYRIAD amount of emotions. In, and amongst them, is guilt. They….fuck it….WE feel guilty ALL. THE. TIME. What do we feel guilty about? EVERYTHING! Included in this "everything" is the guilt we have over the torment and frustrations and just plain "shit" we bring to our family, friends and other loved ones. We feel like we are sinking, with a fuck-off canon ball tied to our ankles, and that, by holding on to our support, are dragging them down with us to depths unknown but highly undesired. Soon, there will be no are to breath because our supply will run out and there will be just blackness. We are fully willing to endure this (because, quite frankly, we just don't give a flying fuck) but we are NOT prepared to take your with us. We love you all too much; we care for you too much; we would wish this horror on NO ONE, ESPECIALLY those that we love. It's actually ironic that in the void of emotion that is a heavily depressed state, there is still this candle of love. The only problem with this candle is that it shines love out, but there is no candle, flame or sun that can shine line in.

Ask anyone with this mental illness why they want to commit suicide; why the contemplate it or even why the tried. I am willing to gamble that an overwhelming majority of them (maybe even all of them) would say something to the effect of: "Because I can see how my family suffers because of me. I'm a burden to them and they deserve better – so the only noble thing for me to do is to take myself out of the equation. Then the source of their misery can be eliminated for good. They no longer have to worry about me; be concerned about how I'm feeling; stress over the financial shit-storm that is involved in medication and therapy; or walk on egg shells when they are around me. They can finally have fun again and move on. After all, isn't that what you do with a cancer? You cut off the effected part, even if it's an appendage. Well, I am a cancer to my family and must be severed. They will grieve, but they will heal and move on. Then, finally, maybe everyone will be at peace."

You may not agree with what they say, you may not believe it and you may not even accept or respect it, but you have to see the noble intentions in that thinking. The "nobility" may be misplaced; not completely thought through and may have many cons to it – but is still an act of mobility….in THEIR minds.

I don't believe that Joseph Smith found a book that was basically narrated God, who basically relayed the message that all other religions were wrong; I don't believe that Xenu and thetan levels are what stands between us and the bliss of a paradise; I don't believe that God has a problem with homosexuality; I don't believe in racism, sexism; the end of the world coming in 2012 or many other things. Belief is not a requisite for understanding – but an open mind is. Just because I don't believe in something and other people's beliefs, it doesn't mean I can't and mustn't respect it.

People with mental illnesses like depression who commit suicide or attempt to do it are a lot of things – sick; in pain; tortured; desperate; disillusioned (maybe); just plain gatvol (South African phrase basically saying you've 'had enough of this shit'). The one thing they are NOT, is selfish and cowards.

People with mental illnesses like depression need a lot of things when they look to suicide as an option – understanding; help (medical and other); tenacity of support; love (as futile as it may appear to be); determination. The one thing they do NOT need, is guilt and judgement from those who, quite honestly, do not understand and seem to show no desire to understand.

I'm not talking about your 'emo' kids who think being melancholic and miserable is the 'in-thing'. I'm not talking about your ordinary person who hits a slump in their lives (by comparison) and declares themselves, ever so loosely, "depressed"…as if they even know that that means. I am talking about your true, authentic, undiluted, real-makoya clinically depressed person (or with a mental illness for which it has been medically concluded that suicide is a known self-induced symptom). Call these people a lot of things – but weak, cowardice and selfish are NOT one of them.
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Endorsed Anarchy Work-in-Progress Page by blood, journal

Give praise and worship to our new god by blood, journal

Black Diamond by blood, journal

I wish I were Batman by blood, journal

In Defence of Suicide by blood, journal